
Reference materials 返回上一级目录
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 Section 25 Distance to the horizon
 Section 24 Terrestrial magnetism
 Section 23 Method for running fix
 Section 22 Electronic Chart Display and Information System
 Section 21 Dead reckoning
 Section 20 Compass error determination requirements
 Section 19 Radar
 Section 18 position fix
 Section 17 Mercator Projection
 Section 16 Lights and shapes
 Section 15 Error determination methods and related calculation
 Section 14 Course and Bearing
 Section 13 Aids to navigation
 Section 12 Currents
 Section 11 The shape of the earth
 Section 10 projection of chart and its classification
 Section 9 Preparation
 Section 8 Magnetic Compass
 Section 7 Lines of position
 Section 6 Modern electronic positioning apparatus
 Section 5 Speed and distance
 Section 4 Echo sounding
 Section 3 Chip Log
 Section 2 Piloting
 Section 1 Snellius construction