
本课程是管理学院信息管理专业的核心专业课。本课程的学习可以让学生掌握企业网络工程的理论知识和实用技术,熟悉企业网络标准和网络管理平台和相关技术,具有一定的企业网络设计和管理能力,能利用网络软件搭建企业内部的信息化架构,具有一定的企业网络工程师的能力。 This course is a professional course of Information Management major in School of Management. This course allows students to master the theoretical knowledge and practical technology of enterprise network engineering. Students familiar with enterprise network standards and network management platform and related technologies. Students will have certain corporate network design and management capabilities. Students can use the software to build a network within the enterprise information architecture. Students have a certain ability to become an excellent enterprise network engineer.

课程通知 >>更多
  • 2020开课通知 2020-10-12
  • 开课通知 2018-06-04
  • 吴云发布了新的通知公告2020开课通知
  • 吴云发布了新的常见问题如何进行网上课程学习
  • 吴云发布了新的话题同学们对与《企业网络工程》有任何疑问,请留言在此,老师每周会答疑所有同学的问题
  • 吴云发布了新的通知公告开课通知