
Bilingual Teaching of financial management is essential to help the students step from ordinary English learning into practical English use concerned with a variety of financial management issues. Towards this goal, the course of English for Financial Management consists of 12 topics which present a whole picture of specialty main courses. Each topic is introduced with a mini case, by which means the students are expected to be inspired to acquire knowledge initiatively. The fundamentals and core concepts of financial management are presented all through the teaching process. The introduction of more related knowledge at the end of each topic also helps improve the learning effect. 本课程致力于引导和帮助学生将专业英语知识转化为财务管理专业领域的英语应用能力,将教给学生阅读专业英语文献的方法、令其掌握专业英语术语和翻译的技巧,直至能较准确地用英语表述学术观点和撰写学术论文。在由浅入深、循序渐进的原则下,课堂教学将提供促使学生参与实践的英语语境,增强师生、生生之间的交流互动,提高学生学习专业英语的主动性;通过布置必要的课后阅读、翻译练习,结合课堂精讲,逐渐让学生掌握专业英语阅读和翻译技巧,为英语论文写作奠定坚实的基础。

课程通知 >>更多
  • 请财务0901-04班尚未提出加课申请的同学速来报到 2011-09-14
  • 王湛发布了新的测试Accounting concept framework
  • 王湛发布了新的测试Accounting for long-term assets_1
  • 王湛发布了新的测试Chapter 14_bank reconciliations
  • 王湛发布了新的测试Inventory valuing
  • 王湛发布了新的测试allowance for bad debts
  • 王湛发布了新的测试Accounting for long-term assets
  • 王湛发布了新的测试Double entry bookkeeping
  • 王湛发布了新的测试Accounting concept framework_2
  • 王湛发布了新的测试Inventory valuing
  • 王湛发布了新的测试allowance for bad debts