
数据分析与建模是综合分析和处理数据的理论和方法,本课程是一门综合运用分析、量化的手段对社会经济、企业管理、工程研究等各种实践实际问题建立数学模型,并利用计算机工具高效求解的专业基础课程。课程系统地介绍数学模型、数学建模和建模过程中的常用方法与实例。通过本课程的学习,使学生对数据分析方法和建模技术有系统的理解,掌握利用专业软件进行数据分析和建模的方法和步骤。培养学生应用计算机进行数据分析建模的能力,为后续课程的学习以及解决实际问题打下良好的基础。 本课程的特色是理论与实践紧密结合,注重独立思考能力和创新思维的培养。课程实践性和实用性强,有大量的实验课时和演算练习用以提高和丰富学生的实际动手能力。同时课程通过建模方法和思维的训练培养学生的独立自主思考能力,引导创新思维的形成。 The course, Data Analysis and Modeling aimed the method and theory of the analysis of data. The course is the basic specialty course, which build the mathematical model to study the practical problem, and solve the problem with computer software. It introduces the theory and method of data analysis and modeling with various cases. The course makes student understand the theory and method of data analysis and modeling, and which helps student to apply the mathematical software in processing data. The ability of data analysis and modeling is useful for student to study specialty knowledge and solve problem. The course’s chief feature is practicality, and the course aims improving the student’s the elaborative faculty and innovation thought. With many experiments and exercises, the student can improve the ability of operation. The course supports the plenty of elaborative faculty and innovation ideation training on modeling.

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